We all got used to airplane mode throughout the last decade: globalization and the spread of mobile devices contributed to this. We turn it on when we board the plane or want some peaceful time disconnected from all the surrounding digital fuss. However, many people do not realize how airplane mode works. “Does airplane mode turn off location sharing?” is one of the most popular questions users have about it. Well, as we are digital experts in everything connected to location tracking, we can explain all the nuances.
What Does Airplane Mode Do?

Does airplane mode turn off location sharing? It is an ambiguous question. Airplane mode cuts all the signals emitted by the mobile device so that it does not interfere with aircraft communication. Luckily, no catastrophes were caused by such interference, and overall risks are considered to be low, as per the professional’s estimations; however, some funny or worrying cases were still reported:
- In 2001, a United Airlines Flight experienced problems with navigation, supposedly caused by a signal coming from the passenger’s electronic device.
- In 2003, an autopilot on Qantas Airbus A330 suddenly turned off, and it is believed that it happened because of the signal emitted by one’s laptop.
- In 2007, Continental Airlines experienced problems with its navigation system, which disappeared as soon as all the passengers were asked to switch off their electronic devices.
So, gadgets must have their signal emission decreased to a minimum so that it does not influence the aircraft systems’ operation. However, will airplane mode turn off location sharing? Yes and no.
Does airplane mode turn off location is a tricky question because GPS services are not turned off completely. They still operate in receiver mode and send signals if critically important applications request them. On the other hand, cellular, internet, and Bluetooth connections are turned off.
As airplane systems become more and more reliable, some rules are being changed. Bluetooth now works for wireless headphones, and WiFi can be manually reactivated while in airplane mode to connect to the specific network provided by the airlines if there is such an option. Only cellular signals are still entirely banned.
Does GPS Work in Airplane Mode?
Let’s now discuss in more detail does GPS work in airplane mode. GPS modules in mobile devices primarily receive signals from satellites, so they can hardly interfere with airplane systems and still operate even in airplane mode. Some devices may turn off the GPS module completely when entering airplane mode. Still, even in this case, it can be reactivated manually to use offline maps and applications that track location. So, does GPS work in airplane mode? Yes, but its functionality can be slightly limited compared to how it usually operates.
Can People See Your Location on Airplane Mode?

Can people see your location in airplane mode? This depends on many factors. If you fly on a modern aircraft with many novelty systems on board, it should not be a problem. Even in airplane mode, you can connect to the air company’s WiFi and go online, share your location with your friends and relatives, chat with people, and even watch YouTube.
If there is no internet on board, things get saltier. In this case, you can only check your current location using offline maps. Google Maps, for instance, has such a feature, so if you have never heard about it, it is an excellent time to try it. It helps if you want to know where you are and how far your destination point is. However, to share location with others, you need to be connected to the WiFi network and have access to the internet.
Thus, if you wonder, “Does airplane mode stop sharing location?” – it does not, but without the internet, you simply cannot inform others about it. At the same time, GPS still works, and you can see where you are using any app with offline maps.
Still, there are ways to track the flight. Services like Flight Radar let people follow the flight if they know its number. Thus, if you are not sure does airplane mode hide your location or not, and you want your relatives or friends to be able to check where you fly, share the flight number with them and tell them about Flight Radar.
Does Airplane Mode Hide Your Location from GEOfinder?

Does airplane mode hide your location is not a correct question. Airplane mode does not hide anything, and it is not designed to hide anything. It is a safety measure used to increase the safety of the aircraft during flights. However, the GEOfinder phone location tracker won’t track you while the airplane mode is on. The point is that GEOfinder sends an SMS with a tracking link, and as there is no cellular connection while in airplane mode, this SMS cannot be received.
On the positive side, once the plane lands and the device owner turns airplane mode off, they will receive the message and be able to open the tracking link and share their location. In such a way, the does airplane mode hide your location during the flight question is 100% solved and answered: no, it does not. Location data still circulates between the device and the GPS satellite. However, it may not be possible to share it with others if WiFi and cellular connections are off.
Is It Worth Using GEOfinder Then?
GEOfinder online GPS phone tracker is a decent tracker that sends an SMS with a tracking link and shares the location as soon as this link is opened. Thus, airplane mode does not directly influence its functionality. For GEOfinder, does GPS work in airplane mode or not isn’t a big deal; it is more important that the cellular network works, and if it doesnt, the SMS will be delivered as soon as it appears or the cellular module in the device gets re-activated.
Thus, there is no reason not to use GEOfinder. It operates as it should, and the location will be shared as soon as possible. Moreover, it is very simple to use: you send the SMS and can forget about the app and get back to your usual business. You will be informed of your target’s location immediately when the tracking link is opened.
Does airplane mode turn off location sharing? No, it does not. What does your location say when your phone is on airplane mode? Nothing special. It shows the current location on the offline maps. Does airplane mode hide your location? No, it does not hide anything from anyone. Hopefully, we answered all your potential questions and explained everything you might need to know about airplane mode and how it works.
The main thing you need to know is that airplane mode does not cut the data exchange between the GPS satellite and the device. It does, however, turn off WiFi and cellular connection, which is why it may be impossible to share location with other people. If you want your relatives to know your location during the flight, we recommend using services like Flight Radar. If you want to know when and where someone lands, send the tracking link to GEOfinder, and as soon as they are back to land, they will share their location with you.